
I had been here for like three months plus, and I learnt quite a lot of things

In here, I learnt how to talk to myself and understand myself

In here, I learnt that friendship is more important than anything else in this world other that family.

In here, I learnt to be flexible and obey the law

In here, I learnt that there are still so much things that we dunno about this world, including apples' name

In here, I learnt how to raise my hand and ask question in class. As well as speaking out myself in class

In here, i learnt how to stay focus in 200+ students class

In here, I learnt to enjoy myself as there might not be tomorrow

In here, I learnt how to communicate with stranger, and spread love to everyone

In here, I learnt to say "May I" instead of "I want" when I order foods

In here, I learnt that there are nice people everywhere, no matter you are in any part of the world

In here, I learnt that there are problems in any country in the world, no matter how great it was

And most importantly, I learnt that to fly high, we must land first so that we are able to do so

2 shell(s):

Jiyan said...

besides being apart from ur loved ones..i'm sure u gain alot oso rite? keep on learning! =)

wjleong said...


May I? lolx